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Improving Your Health is as Simple as Eating a Balanced Breakfast

Eating a healthy breakfast is a superb start to your morning and gives you the energy and mental focus you need to get through the day. It’s also beneficial to your overall health while helping to maintain a healthy waistline. After all, skipping your morning meal can lead to overeating later in the day. Here are several ways for improving your health with a balanced breakfast:

  • Aim for 5 or more grams of protein. A breakfast with protein helps stimulate your brain and your muscles to maintain focus throughout your day. Go for lighter sources, such as dairy, eggs or lean meats like turkey sausage. Peanut butter on toast or celery is another suitable option.
  • Don’t skip the fiber. Include at least 5 grams of fiber, which is not only beneficial for intestinal and colon health but it also spreads the absorption of your food throughout the morning. Fruits or vegetables are excellent choices, such as a banana or apple. You can also add a serving or two of whole grains like oatmeal, whole wheat toast or a bran muffin.
  • If you’re running off to school or work, you want a boost to get you through to lunch. Fruits like grapefruit or oranges offer carbohydrates and natural sugars that provide a healthy energy lift. A bagel with cream cheese can provide the carbs you crave, along with some protein to balance it out.
  • Don’t skip breakfast even if you’re late and rushing out the door. A fruit smoothie with added protein powder is a quick and easy solution. Alternatively, pack a few whole-grain energy bars, especially ones that are well balanced with oats, grain, nuts, and fruit.